Presenting the major Mayday headlines this week is the most famous news reporter in Banbury, Christian Seeney. The first top story is a massive thank you to Paul Sturgess and First Line for hosting a #MaydayF1CharityChallenge Race Day. We raised a total of £144.20 from 36 recorded lap times and 180 raffle tickets being sold. It was a great event and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. Congratulation to Richard Szentesi, the Race Day Champion.
Our second headline this week is that we have recently set up our just giving page. If you are an organisation that can’t host a race day but would like to get involved, this provides you with a platform to donate towards our charity challenge. Or if you are an individual that wishes to donate you please do so here www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/MaydayF1CharityChallenge If you are unable to donate please can you help spread the awareness of the page by sharing it on social media, thank you.
Finally the #MaydayF1CharityChallenge is now officially set up in the ‘Fish Tank’ at our office on White Lion Walk, for anyone that wants to come in and set a lap time, or if you are a previous race day champion and you want to get back on top of the leader board.
Until next week, you stay classy Banbury!