Are you looking for part-time hospitality jobs In Banbury? You’ve come to the right place!
We’re recruiting now in Banbury
We are recruiting for hospitality and catering events in Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire. We have lots of part time and full time opportunities for anyone looking for flexible working hours or to work in a nice environment surrounded by people having fun.
Whether you are a student or just have some spare time over the weekend, part-time hospitality jobs In Banbury is a great way to improve your CV and add experience in one of the largest employment sectors in the area. Gaining some valuable experience in highly sociable environments while earning some extra income.
Work for some well known names in hospitality
We are recruiting for a number of hospitality and catering businesses with a passion for delivering a service that meets the needs of their clients. We have lots of part-time hospitality jobs In Banbury and the surrounding area.
Mayday Employment is a recruitment agency based in the centre of Banbury and has been responding to employment needs since 1997. Supplying temporary, permanent and contract staff into some of the largest and well known businesses in the local area. As well as hospitality, we also recruit for the industrial, logistics and commercial sectors. We have 20 years of experience working with employers in Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire to place the best candidates in their dream jobs.
Come and register today
Why not contact Gionis or another member of our friendly and professional team to get more information on the opportunities we have available?