Preparing for a job interview is more important than the interview
If you have been preparing for a job interview properly, the actual interview will be easy!
Preparing for that ideal opportunity and using the recruitment agency
So, you have seen an ideal job advertised by your local recruitment agency. You have read through the job description and you are confident this could be the opportunity you have been looking for. Ensuring you have read through the details thoroughly and made sure you have all the attributes the organisation is looking for. It is important that if you do not have all the required skills, experience or qualifications, you have thought about the reasons you believe that you are capable of compensating for this.
Meeting the recruitment consultant responsible for the job
Your interaction with the recruitment agency will be your first step in the preparation for the interview. Where possible, it is a good idea to meet with the recruitment consultant dealing with the position. This is not always possible, as you may already be working full time or the location of the agency may not be convenient. The consultant will have met with the recruiting organisation and will have a full understanding of what they are looking for. Prepare questions for the consultant to ensure that they have given you all the information you need. If they do not know the answer, ask them to check with the organisation.
Making sure your CV is updated for the specific opportunity
This does not just mean checking the dates are correct and there are not any unexplained gaps in your work history. Obviously your CV was good enough to attract the attention of the recruitment consultant but you should review it as soon as you have further details of the specific position you are being put forward for. Your details will not have been submitted to the organisation before you have given consent. This is your opportunity to make sure the particular skills, experience and qualifications are prominent in your CV. The CV is the first chance you have to be noticed and stand out from the crowd.
Research the organisation
The amount of effort you put into this part of the recruitment process can make all the difference. Nowadays, you can find out lots of information regarding the organisation and its employees. Going beyond having a look on the company website is important. Entering the company into a search engine may give you recent news stories or events that may not be on the organisations website. You should also use LinkedIn to see profiles of any employees and may be able to find the person or people that you will be meeting at your interview.
As well as a good search on the internet, it may also be a good idea to visit the location. This will give you a good idea of travel time to ensure you are not late for the interview. It will also give you an idea of places of interest that are close by and other things to consider such as places to eat and supermarkets.
Mayday Employment are a professional and friendly recruitment agency based in the centre of Banbury in Oxfordshire. Whether you are looking for a new job in Hospitality and Catering, Logistics and Driving, Warehouse and Production, Administration and Customer Service or Management, give us a call on 01295 266288! We will be happy to offer advice and information on the local market and sector.